When times are tough, we reach out to those closest to us. People become unified, and suddenly material possessions fall to the wayside. We see each other as humans again, and we realize how fragile our time is on this earth, along with the seemingly perfect lives we have built.
As our news channels and social feeds become flooded with negativity and noise, that can sometimes make it harder to see all the little lights shining in our world, our community, and even in our own homes. Set some time aside specifically to focus on that light, be thankful its still shining bright, and as you draw attention to it, it will only grow brighter. Focus goes, where energy flows.
Now more than ever we need kindness and gratitude in this world. Say the words that are on the tip of your tongue, it may make someones day. Send the thank you note, smile at the stranger and bang those pots and pans to show your appreciation for our front like workers. Every small gesture could mean the world of a difference to someone else.
As a team, we have had a few weeks at home with our kids now. We initially decided take a step back from daily business to help flatten the curve, and we were only dealing with active transactions. Our days went from hectic schedules and juggling appointments, to staying home with the kids and realizing the health and well being of our families and friends were first and foremost. We are all enjoying this quality time with our families, and as our business slowly adapts, shifts, moves forward yet again with new standards.
At some point in a time of crisis, we must take a step back, re-adjust re-focus, and only then step forward into the uncertainty. We will become industry leaders and pave the way to setting a new standard, which is exactly what we have done. SHIFT.
Real Estate has been deemed an essential service, and we are here for our clients when they need us the most. Some new protocols include the mandatory use of gloves, masks, booties, paperwork to be completed on the history of the buyers, and showing times and persons will be limited.
Some clients may choose to wait to make a move, and we support that decision. For others with timelines that need to be met, we are here for you, and we are taking every precaution to ensure everyones safety.
We don’t know when we will come out of this, but we do know, that we won’t come out of it that same. We will be better. Kinder. Softer. More aware.